Are there questions I should NOT ask people? What CAN I ask them?
It's acceptable to ask people any non-intrusive question. Start out getting to know them slowly. It's usually OK to ask where others
live or what kind of work they do. Their answers will be as vague or precise as they are comfortable with sharing. Some people are very
comfortable sharing intimate sexual information, but the majority are not.. at least not at first. Common sense will let you know how
much you can ask, and if you're in doubt, ask their feelings regarding certain activities rather than if they engage in them, or share
your feelings on topics and invite their responses. Conversations will also generally cover the internet and computers, local clubs, stores and toys.
I'm really nervous.. should I just forget this entire idea?
I don't think I've ever met anyone who wasn't nervous before their first munch.. but here are a few comments I've heard:
I remember before my first munch I was terrified.. don't know what I expected.. lots of leather and stern faces I guess
nothing could be further from the truth.
Your first impression will likely be "Gosh! they're so-so-so ..normal!!! " *Grin* I was really REALLY nervous... for about the
first 2 minutes.. then I felt completely welcome and part of the group and had a GREAT time!
Some of the people I've met at the Munches are well on their way to becoming very, very close friends of mine... they understand
things that my vanilla friends just "don't get". It was incredible to us that what we'd been talking about, and guessing at, had
already been identified and discussed by others before us. Talk about serious validation! It was so great to see that 'our' ideas
about a structured relationship and interaction between two distinct personality types was not only upheld, but celebrated by others!